OpenPlant Automation Protocols


Welcome to our collection of custom labware. Opentrons already has a labware library, but that doesn't cover the range of labware that might be useful or convenient to labs around the world. The recommended route to take is mixing definitions provided by your labware manufacturer with your own measurements to make custom labware definitions, but here we compiled a list of the custom labware we use in our own protocols.

To download, right-click the links below and click "Save Link As...".

Name API name Type Wells Manufacturer Definition
Enzymax 12 Well Reservoir 20 mL enzymax_12_reservoir_20ml Reservoir 12
Eppendorf 96 Deepwell Plate 2 mL eppendorf_96_wellplate_2ml_deep Well Plate 96
Greiner 384 Well Plate Flat HiBase 25 uL greiner_384_wellplate_flat_hibase_25ul Well Plate 384
4titude 2.2ml Deep Well Plate 4ti-0132 4titude_96_wellplate_2200ul Well Plate 96
4ti-0960/C 96 Well Full Skirted Plate 4titude_96_wellplate_200ul_4ti-0960 Well Plate 96
96 Tubes Rack FluidX 96 Well Plate 700 µL 96tubesrackfluidx_96_wellplate_700ul Well Plate 96
96-well PCR with 6 tube strips 48 Well Plate 200 µL 96wellpcrwith6tubestrips_48_wellplate_200ul Well Plate 96
AB 384 Well 4310286 ab_384well_4310286 Well Plate 384